Free Rohingya Coalition urged the Italian public and distinguished citizens to push for strong punitive measures against genocidal Myanmar from EU and strip Myanmar genocide white-washer Aung San Suu Kyi of any honours and associations she has with Italy. Campaign & Media Relations Coordinator Nay San Lwin’s presentation starts at 1 hr 58 minutes Strategic Affairs Coordinator Dr. Zarni’s starts at 2 hr 13 minutes
10-XII-2018: ”Il genocidio del popolo Rohingya”
Links: La tragedia dei rohingya trova ascolto a Montecitorio ALLA CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI OGGI  Il genocidio del popolo Rohingya – Diritto internazionale e giurisdizione penale internazionale [scribd id=395078876 key=key-vOsZbyPvbfWwHP6nJhjq mode=scroll]